The Paternity And Legal Impact Of DNA
Even if there is a great impact in medicine in regards to the discovery of DNA, there is still a number of similar significance on its contribution in other areas. The cases in regards to paternity has a big impact on a lot of families and children all across the world. By the assessment of DNA, there will be a great impact on the life of a child and his or her upbringing because there will be an identification on the paternity of that child.
Forensics and the impact of DNA
There is a great importance in the area of forensic sciences in regards to DNA. A person will be determined innocent or guilty over a crime that was reportedly committed and this is impacted by the discovery of DNA. This would also mean that there will still be a lot of clues in regards to the real suspect of the crime that was committed even with the lack of evidence. One more important thing about the discovery of DNA in regards to the field of forensic science is that by the assessment of the DNA, the identity of the victim will be known by his or her family and friends even if the condition of the victim is not recognizable. That is the reason why the discovery of DNA has made a great significant impact on the whole field of forensic science. The DNA has greatly impacted the field of forensic science especially in providing a more secure place for the society and the whole criminal justice system.
Agriculture and the connection of DNA
There is now a possibility for breeders to conduct a breeding of certain kinds of animals with better resistance to some diseases and this is greatly impacted on the discovery of DNA in regards to the field of agriculture. This would also mean that the developing countries can now have a more higher survival rate in regards to their population because the farmers can now produce a wide array of nutritious food crops that will be supplied to the people that are living in that particular country. That would results to the addressing on the deficiency of micronutrients that these countries are facing.
The continued importance of the discovery of DNA
The discovery of medicine will continue to have a great impact on the crucial fields of society today like the forensics, paternity, agriculture, medicine, and many more even if it has contributed a great significance in the twentieth century. The researches and studies regarding the evolving areas of DNA will always have a progress and continued interests and funding since it would always have a relevant impact on the new discoveries and innovations that will be made possible especially in the modern age of the world today.